Minor Surgery

Minor Surgery at Penicuik

What is 'Minor' Surgery?

Minor surgery is a clinic held at Penicuik Medical Practice every 2 weeks. The clinic is for removal of excisions of superficial skin lesions and lumps just underneath the skin. This procedure is carried out by Dr Hamish Reid - our GP Partner. We currently have a waiting list of about 6 weeks for these procedures as we accept referrals from all practices in Midlothian. If you have been referred by your GP Practice already, you do not need to complete the below form.

  • We offer a minor surgical service for patients of 18 years and over who are capable of consenting to and co-operating with the intended procedure.

  • We deal with benign (non cancerous) lesions only. This is not a cosmetic service. Lesions will only be removed if they are causing significant disability or distress e.g. pain, recurrent infection, bleeding, functional problems, recurrent trauma/rubbing and risk of infection) 

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Once you have completed the questionnaire above, please send photos to -


Add "minor surgery referral" to the subject and include your and Date of Birth.

You will be contacted by the practice to advise next steps.

If you need to cancel an appointment please call reception desk on 01968 672612 and ask for Jane. Please inform us ideally at least 48 hrs in advance, so we can offer it to another patient as we do have a waiting list. We understand if last minute cancellations are required but would like to avoid this where possible.