Midlothian Mental Health and Resilience Service (MHARS)
What is it?
- MHARS is a free confidential helpline.
Who is it for?
- Midlothian residents aged 18-65, who experience mental health and wellbeing distress or crisis.
What do they offer?
- Same-day direct access to compassionate support from a trained mental health practitioner. There is a brief initial conversation to gather information, followed by a call back within an hour to address issues in more detail. Website says that MHARS practitioners can connect you to relevant community resources, services and activities. They can also tailor the support to include carers, family, friends and other partner agencies.
How can people access it?
- Self-referral by calling 0800 118 2962. The service is open daily from 8am to 10pm.
How do I find out more?