Do you need to see a GP?
Do I need to see a GP? - Penicuik Medical Practice (penicuikhealthcentre.co.uk)
Click the link to our new page to see alternative places that can also help.

How do you arrange an appointment?
All appointments are released at 08:30 in the morning and we currently run an on the day service. If the GP requires to speak to you, we can book this in advance at the GP disrecetion. We would contact you if this was needed. We only have a certain amount of appointments we can offer each day per doctor so may ask you to call back another day at 0830 if we have nothing left.

Is the practice doing face to face appointments?


Can I arrange a repeat sick line without speaking to a GP?
Yes. You can fill in the "repeat sick line" form on our help centre. This gets passed to the GP who will sign you off for a further period if agreed with the reason for absence. The GP can not issue a new sick line until your current sick line expires. Your sick line can take 3 working days to be ready.

How long do my results take to come back?
Most blood test and urine samples are back within 5 days. Some tests do take longer and can be up to 14 days. If you are having an annual review, this can take up to 3 weeks as the nurses collate all your results together for an overall outcome. We always advise patients to call the practice for their results. We will sometimes call you if the GP needs to speak to you but this depends on urgency. If you call the practice after 5 days, this flags to us if there are any missing results.

Can I get copy of my medical records/immunisations?
Yes. We need to request your medical records from the health board which can take some time. An immunisation summary costs £11.
This can be requested on our help centre.

I am travelling abroad, how do I get travel vaccines? (This also includes travel for work purposes)
Please visit our help page for further websites and information - Travel Health - Penicuik Medical Practice (penicuikhealthcentre.co.uk)


Do we see patients outwith Penicuik?
Please go onto our patient registrations page to see our practice boundary. Penicuik Medical Practice - powered by My Surgery Website (penicuikhealthcentre.co.uk)


Have you been referred to the hospital and are still waiting,  how long are the waiting times?
Please see link for the hospital waiting times. This gets updated monthly and the hospital triages all referrals - https://www.nhslothian.scot/yourrights/health-rights-waiting-times/nhs-lothian-outpatient-waiting-times/